India's import bill has reached record highs in recent months.
Factors driving this increase include:
Faster economic growth compared to other countries
Increased imports of precious metals and electronics as inputs for exports
Government's Stance:
The Indian government is not overly concerned about the rising import bill.
They attribute the increase to natural economic growth and the import of essential goods for export-oriented industries.
The government does not plan to implement import compression measures.
The government emphasizes the importance of increasing exports to offset the impact of rising imports.
They are focusing on developing domestic manufacturing capabilities to reduce reliance on imported components.
The government is also considering measures to promote value addition to imported goods before exporting them.
Overall Perspective:
The government believes that India's current economic position is strong enough to handle the rising import bill.
They are optimistic about India's long-term economic prospects and believe that a balanced approach to trade is essential.
The focus is on sustainable economic growth and developing a robust manufacturing sector.