Goal: To create a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution.
Divergent views on the approach to tackling plastic pollution.
Disagreement on the role of plastic production in the issue.
Difficulty in reaching consensus among 170 countries.
The Plastic Pollution Crisis
Plastic production has tripled since 1970.
Single-use plastics account for a significant portion of plastic waste.
Environmental Impact:
Plastic pollution in oceans and landfills.
Greenhouse gas emissions from plastic production and disposal.
Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem health.
India's Position
India has implemented bans on single-use plastics and promotes recycling.
India is a major producer of plastic polymers and opposes measures to limit production.
India emphasizes the principle of consensus in international negotiations.
India views regulations on plastic production as potential trade barriers.
Future Outlook
The INC-5 failed to reach a final agreement, but negotiations are expected to continue.
The development of a global plastics treaty could take several years.
Insights from other international agreements can inform the process.
Balancing Environmental Concerns and Economic Interests: Finding a compromise between these competing interests is crucial.