This excerpt from a discussion between Amitabh Mattoo and Vivek Katju explores the potential implications of granting dual citizenship to people of Indian origin living abroad.
Key Arguments Against Dual Citizenship:
Undermines Indian Citizenship: Granting dual citizenship could dilute the concept of Indian citizenship by allowing individuals to hold political rights in two countries, potentially leading to divided loyalties.
Potential for Foreign Interference: Allowing dual citizens to vote in Indian elections could open the door to foreign influence in Indian politics.
Historical Precedent: The Indian Constitution does not currently allow for dual citizenship, and there are historical and constitutional reasons for this.
Focus on Diaspora's Contribution: The diaspora can significantly contribute to India's development through economic investments, cultural exchange, and strengthening bilateral relations, without necessarily requiring dual citizenship.
Counter Arguments
Economic Benefits: Dual citizenship could attract skilled professionals and encourage investment in India.
Maintaining cultural ties: It could help maintain cultural and familial ties between the Indian diaspora and their homeland.
Recognition of contributions: Granting dual citizenship could be seen as a way to recognize the contributions of the Indian diaspora to India's growth and development.
The discussion highlights the complex and nuanced nature of the dual citizenship debate.
While there are potential benefits, the potential risks and challenges associated with it, particularly the potential for divided loyalties and foreign influence, are significant concerns.