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The Supreme Court promised to resolve the conflict between the Tamil Nadu government and Governor R.N. Ravi in line with constitutional principles, aiming for a resolution before the next hearing.
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The dispute involves delays in the Governor’s assent to Bills, pending prosecution sanctions, prisoner remission, and Vice-Chancellor appointments.
The Governor referred 10 higher education Bills to the President on November 18, 2023.
The President assented to one, rejected seven, and didn’t consider two.
The TN government argued that the Governor’s action of sending Bills to the President was unconstitutional and violated Article 200.
The State claims the Governor’s actions are without jurisdiction, and the Union government should have advised the President to return the Bills to the Governor.
The court questioned the Governor’s reasoning for referring Bills to the President and how the President would review them.
Article 200
According to Article 200, the Governor has three options: grant assent, withhold assent, or refer the Bill to the President.
If the Governor withholds assent, the Bill must be returned to the Legislature with comments.
If the Legislature reiterates the Bill, the Governor must assent to it.